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Define an e-commerce acceleration plan

Define an e-commerce acceleration plan

Whether you're generating €100K, €1M, or €100M online, it's essential to understand your growth drivers and identify the priority areas to propel your digital business into the future and enhance its performance: SEO, SEA, organization, offerings, CRM, user experience, expansion, logistics, data...

We take a rigorous and targeted approach with our acceleration plan, offering a structured framework to drive digital transformation. We focus efforts on the most promising areas and ensure that every action taken directly contributes to amplifying the reach and overall performance of your digital commerce.
Our support approach
Audit and Strategic Analysis
The first step is to conduct a comprehensive audit of the company's current digital activities. Horrea leverages its expertise to assess the performance of the e-commerce site, user journeys, as well as the current acquisition and retention strategies. This analysis helps identify the strengths to build on and areas for improvement. Horrea then provides a series of strategic recommendations aimed at optimizing the user experience, increasing conversion rates, and improving online visibility.
Strategy Definition and Planning
Based on the audit, Horrea works closely with your brand to define a clear and ambitious digital commerce strategy. This strategy includes the company's unique value proposition, short- and medium-term goals, as well as the resources and projects needed to achieve them. Horrea also helps prioritize actions and establish an implementation timeline, ensuring that the acceleration plan is aligned with the company’s overall objectives.
Implementation and Monitoring
The final step in Horrea's support process is to implement the digital commerce acceleration plan. Horrea provides assistance in deploying the recommendations, whether at the technical, marketing, or organizational level. The agency also ensures regular performance monitoring to adjust the strategy as needed and guarantee that the set objectives are achieved. Through a continuous improvement approach, Horrea enables the company to quickly adapt to market changes and consumer behaviors.