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Digital experiences that deliver lasting impact

Horrea is a digital commerce consulting agency that drives the digitization of your revenue streams and transforms your business processes.

Gain insights from leading digital commerce experts

From basic restaurant reservations to content production, every digital experience today is intricately connected to business performance and e-commerce.

We empower brands and their leaders to transform their business processes and digitize their revenue streams, driving growth and innovation.

By challenging the status quo, we lead the way in redefining commerce, creating the customer experiences of tomorrow.


In Roman times, horrea warehouses on the outskirts of cities, were crucial to the growth of commerce by facilitating the storage and distribution of goods.

We strive to create a similar impact for your brand, driving growth and transforming your business activities.


The future of brands is rooted in digital commerce. It’s a powerful driver of revenue growth, enhanced customer experiences, and valuable insights. To harness its potential, organizations must adapt and transform, embracing this source of sustainable value creation.

software e-commerce is eating the world”


We challenge the statu quo and lead the way in redefining commerce.

By embedding ourselves within your organization and collaborating closely with your team, we design and shape the customer experiences of tomorrow.

A growth Partner

“Horrea supported us with professionalism and persistence in building our advertising agency. They quickly identified our business challenges and provided effective solutions that helped increase our revenue within the first year.”
Gwenola Coicaud
Director of Kingfisher Retail Media France

A real impact on the Direct-to-Consumer relationship

“The agency supports us over the long term and knows how to balance operational challenges with strategic issues. The teams interact smoothly and simply for everyday efficiency. A valuable asset for our digital transformation!”
Victor Dumont
Marketing and Hospitality Director – Champagne Bollinger

A reliable and agile AI partner

“Horrea understood our needs to build a custom AI business application that is highly efficient and serves our teams well. The team adapted to our technical and security requirements to deliver the solution.”
Jeremy Neyrou
Head of Sustainable & Strategic Innovation at BNP Paribas CIB

An essential partner for

“Collaborating with Horrea has helped us achieve our online sales objectives. Thanks to their business, technological, and human support, we successfully completed several key projects that boosted our business. Their expertise and integration of innovative solutions have made Horrea an essential partner in our digital growth.”
Céline Aniort
Omnichannel Business Manager – Nespresso France

Great transformation partner!

“Horrea has been a key partner in our B2B digital transformation, helping us digitize our revenue. Throughout the project, their team was impactful, pragmatic, and attentive to our needs.”
Thibaud Dugas
Managing Director in charge of Marketing – Groupe Charraire

As a trusted Shopify Partner, we harness the full potential of Shopify Plus, Shopify B2B and Shopify POS